How to make an avocado milkshake

Comment  Faire un milkshake à l'avocat

Smoothies make it easy to eat the famous 5 fruits and vegetables a day in a more fun and practical way (they can be transported to work)… and whatever the time of day. Thanks to smoothies, we fill up with fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants…

Why make smoothies?

Why make smoothies?
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Do not mix fruits and vegetables Without forgetting that their fibers also act as sponges, which absorb some of the sugars and fats during a meal. That is to say, whoever says vegetables says a drop of sugar”, specifies Sophie Delcourt.

Why do fruit juices have more calories than fruit? For example, to make a glass of orange juice, you need at least 2 or even 3 oranges. In a glass of 250 or even 300 ml, the portion is therefore more caloric and sweeter than if you had eaten a fruit. Not to mention that fruit juices contain less fiber and fewer vitamins.

How to sweeten a smoothie?. « Adding sugar – in the form of powdered sugar or through fruit juices, and/or milk – is like turning the vitamin bomb that is a ‘natural’ smoothie into a calorie bomb!

The start of the day is a good time to drink a smoothie: « especially if it contains green vegetables (spinach, zucchini…), whole fruit (banana), fiber and good fats (nuts, chia) » ) says the expert.

Although fruit has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, smoothies can become a source of sugar. To balance the drink, consider adding vegetables like spinach or cabbage, as well as protein to include blood sugar and control hunger.

Just because your smoothie is full of fruits and veggies doesn’t mean it’s low in calories! …Even green smoothies can lead to weight gain if you’re not careful what you put in them: your smoothie has too many ingredients.

Are smoothies good for you?. The smoothie is good for health. While we receive about 70% of the nutrients present by eating a vegetable or fruit as is, we absorb almost 100% with a smoothie; this is also true for juice.

Which milk for smoothies?

Which milk for smoothies?
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How many smoothies per day?. « The ideal is to drink a glass of smoothies a day for breakfast or snack, » advises Véronique Liégois. A glass of 200 ml is equivalent to a serving of fruit.

The well-known rules are:

  • Sweet fruits go very well with slightly acidic fruits (so bananas and pears go very well together). …
  • Sub-acid fruits go very well with acid fruits (apples and crisps)
  • Sour fruits mix with everything except sweet fruits.

How to take your smoothie?. In this case, we can rely on thermos and other similar accessories! The important thing is that it is hermetically sealed, that it has very little contact with the air and that it is if possible protected from light.

What ingredient goes well with apple?. The apple goes well with: vanilla, hazelnuts, cinnamon, caramel, pears, chocolate.

When to drink a smoothie?

When to drink a smoothie?
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What is the difference between a smoothie and a fruit juice? The difference between fruit juice and smoothie is also in the fiber content of these preparations. Fruit extract separates juice from pulp, but smoothies result from a mixture of pulp and juice.

Full of water and fiber, smoothies are excellent natural appetite suppressants… and better for your health than soda or coffee! Likewise, thanks to their high fiber content, smoothies often prove to be real digestive aids.

How to make a creamy smoothie?. Add a tablespoon of powdered milk. Thanks to the addition of powdered milk, the smoothie is smoother, smoother and creamier. The milk slightly softens the acidity of the fruit.

Are homemade smoothies fattening?

Are homemade smoothies fattening?
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Does eating lots of fruit make you fat? Eating fruit never made you fat. The sugar they contain has a high sweetening power, which gives the impression of eating a lot of them when they are fully ripe. An apple, a pear, a peach, a handful of cherries or three apricots provide about 50 Cal.

Simple to make and inexpensive, the smoothie is the ultimate weight loss ally. Indeed, its high fiber content, antioxidants and vitamins make it an ideal snack in all circumstances.

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Bonjour! Je m'appelle Valérie et je suis une cuisinière professionnelle passionnée par la création de plats délicieux et innovants. Avec 10 ans d'expérience en tant que cheffe cuisinière, je suis constamment à la recherche de nouvelles inspirations pour surprendre les papilles de mes clients. Bienvenue dans mon univers gastronomique!