How to cook frozen peas

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To keep all their taste qualities, peas must be eaten very fresh. Raw, they freeze easily. Once shelled, blanch them for 1 min in boiling water, drain and dry them. Spread them out on a tray to harden in the freezer, then put them in a bag.

How to store fresh peas?

How to store fresh peas?
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How to cook garden peas? To shell them, simply make an incision in the pod and place the peas in a bowl. To enjoy all these benefits, eat it raw or cooked. Cook your peas for about 15 minutes in boiling water.

How to store green vegetables? Leafy vegetables stay fresher longer if they are rinsed, wrapped in paper towels or a tea towel, and refrigerated in an airtight container or plastic bag. This method is also recommended with lettuce, bok choy, kale and spinach.

To freeze the peas, you must first shell them, blanch them for 30 seconds, before cooling them quickly in cold water. Then place them in a suitable bag or container that you will put in the freezer.

Peas should be blanched to retain their apparent freshness and green color. Without bleaching, they may turn brown and taste bad.

How to freeze fresh green beans?. Just prepare them well before freezing them: wash them in cold water, drain them well and dry them with a clean cloth. Stalk them (remove them by breaking them at each end of the beans). Then place them flat in a freezer bag.

Why put lettuce in the peas?

Why put lettuce in the peas?
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Peas are eaten as a fresh vegetable, but are more energetic (92 cal/100g) than most green vegetables. They are also interesting for their contribution in soluble sugars, lysine and fibres, composed mainly of hemicelluloses when they are young.

The pea season is short: they are harvested from May until July/August. Peas are often eaten frozen or canned, less often dried.

Do not wait too long so that they do not become mealy. Picked a little young, they will be smaller but more tender and sweet. You should harvest when the pod is rounded, firm, very green with taut skin and well-formed peas along its entire length (if possible).

Are peas a starch?

Are peas a starch?
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What starchy foods to eat in the evening? Indispensable for satiety Bread, cereals (rice, wheat, barley, oats, rye, etc.) and legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas, dried beans, etc.) are part of the starch family.

legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc.) certain vegetables (plantains, winter squash, yams, corn, parsnips, sweet potatoes, green peas, potatoes, etc.).

The pea is therefore a plant of the legume family because its fruits are contained in pods. If the pea is harvested at maturity, the « dry pea » is considered a starch because it is rich in starch and protein but low in water.

What are non-starchy vegetables? Broccoli, green beans, Brussels sprouts, so many ways to replace starches! You can add them to your sauce with cheese or a knob of butter!

What are the good starches?. Starchy foods (pasta, bread, rice, semolina, potatoes) can be eaten every day. It is recommended to eat them whole when they are made from cereals: wholemeal bread, wholegrain rice, whole pasta, etc.

The best starches for weight loss

  • Beans. White beans and kidney beans contain a lot of protein and fiber. …
  • Brown rice. …
  • Potatoes. …
  • Chickpeas. …
  • Konjac products. …
  • – 35. …
  • Chile. …
  • Garlic.

From a purely botanical point of view, peas are part of legumes because their fruit is a pod. … But, unlike vegetables, peas are more caloric because they contain more carbohydrates: 12% against about 2% for vegetables.

The pea is indeed a vegetable, and not a starch as is sometimes believed. Because although it contains a little more carbohydrates – it provides on average 10% carbohydrates – its composition is similar to that of other vegetables.

How to prepare frozen peas?

How to prepare frozen peas?
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In a large saucepan, bring salted water to a boil. Plunge the peas into boiling water. As soon as boiling resumes, cover the pan and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat.

How to freeze fresh beans?. – Fresh beans will keep for two days in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator. They can also be frozen, but you must prepare them first. All you have to do is pour the beans into a freezer bag.

How to cook canned food?. Cover the jars with at least 3 cm of water and close. In the case of a pressure cooker, fill with water according to the instructions for filling the pressure cooker and bring to 100°C (boiling temperature, or when the valve of the pressure cooker or pressure cooker is simmering).

Again, the trick is none other than an organic can whose drained contents are mixed or mixed. Mix vegetables and legumes with rolled oats, chia seeds, eggs or soy cream, season and shape into desired shapes. Pan-fry or bake, it’s ready!

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Bonjour! Je m'appelle Valérie et je suis une cuisinière professionnelle passionnée par la création de plats délicieux et innovants. Avec 10 ans d'expérience en tant que cheffe cuisinière, je suis constamment à la recherche de nouvelles inspirations pour surprendre les papilles de mes clients. Bienvenue dans mon univers gastronomique!