Practical guide: how to make pancakes at home

Guide pratique : comment faire des crêpes à la maison

Practical guide: how to make pancakes at home on video

If the latter is short (less than an hour), you can leave the dough in the open air. However, it is recommended to leave it in the refrigerator for a long time. The refrigerator will keep food fresh and slow the growth of microorganisms.

How to avoid lumps in pancake batter?

Comment éviter les grumeaux dans la pâte à crêpe ?

So, to prevent your pancake batter from being a disaster, follow these 5 simple rules.

  • Sift flour. The golden rule for a creamy pancake batter is to choose a fluid flour. …
  • Take your time and put the ingredients in order. …
  • Heat the milk. …
  • Stop the wells. …
  • Do not be discouraged.

How to remove lumps? We will pour the offending paste into a colander (with a dish under the colander to recover it of course!) and beat the stubborn balls remaining in the colander using a whisk. Then, a little milk to mix them, and presto, here is a nickel paste, neither seen nor known!

How to remove lumps from pancake batter without a strainer? Use an immersion blender If lumps persist in the pancake batter, there’s no reason to lose your mind! To remove them, the most common method is to use a professional hand blender. Pour the recipe into a salad bowl and stir for a few moments.

Why should crepe batter be allowed to rest?

Pourquoi il faut laisser reposer la pâte à crêpe ?

It is this same viscosity that gives pancakes softness during cooking, as well as a uniform texture. During this resting time, the gluten stirred while mixing the dough also has time to relax and get non-elastic pancakes.

Where do you put the pancake batter? With an ambient temperature below 20 degrees and a maximum of two hours of rest, you can store the dough outside in its basin, wrapped in cling film. If the temperature is higher or the standing time is longer, the conservation is done in the refrigerator (about 6 degrees).

How do you know if you have made a good pancake batter? To make sure your pancake batter has the right consistency, it’s a good idea to dip the spoon into the batter once it’s ready. Then we twist the spoon and run our finger. If the fingerprint is very clear, it means that the pancake batter is ready.

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Bonjour! Je m'appelle Valérie et je suis une cuisinière professionnelle passionnée par la création de plats délicieux et innovants. Avec 10 ans d'expérience en tant que cheffe cuisinière, je suis constamment à la recherche de nouvelles inspirations pour surprendre les papilles de mes clients. Bienvenue dans mon univers gastronomique!