How to make sweet crepe

Comment faire crepe sucrée

How to cook crepes with a crepe maker?

How to cook crepes with a crepe maker?

The electric creperie is a real ally that comes out at each new crepe party….

  • Spread a thin layer of oil on the crepe maker using a kitchen brush (even if the coating is non-stick).
  • Set the thermostat between 200°C and 230°C.

How to cook pancakes on an induction hob?

To cook pancakes on induction, my trick is as follows: heat my pan over high heat after having greased it very lightly (paper towel and oil). When it’s hot, I lower the power a bit before cooking my first pancake.

How to heat an induction hob?

The operation of an induction hob is simple. Upon contact with a metal pot or pan, the inductor heats up. If the container is removed, the dish will be cold.

How to cook on an induction hob?

Fast with optimal control. Cooking on an induction hob is faster than in any other cooking system. This is how you boil 1 liter of water in 3 minutes on induction, 7.5 minutes on a ceramic hob and almost 5 minutes on a gas stove.

How to lubricate the crepe maker?

Pour a tablespoon of sunflower oil and sprinkle the oil with the lubricating pad, wait until the plate is dry (5 to 10 minutes) and repeat the operation 3 times with 1 tablespoon of oil, then 4 times with half a teaspoon of oil.

How to use a cast iron crepe maker?

Cooking pancakes Oil the pancakes in a cast iron with a brush. Pour a ladle of crepe batter once the crepe maker is hot. Sprinkle with a pancake rake. Cook pancakes on both sides until lightly browned and crispy.

Why beer in pancake batter?

Why beer in pancake batter?

Why put beer? Even if you do not grow pasta, beer on the other hand allows you to bring a certain lightness to the structure of your pancake thanks to the carbon dioxide present in the drink. Beer also brings a little more sweetness to your recipe, thanks to its yeast.

What kind of beer does pancake batter contain?

For example, a spicy white beer will be perfect to give more flavor to your pancakes. You can even opt for a pretty light blonde.

How to get rid of lumps in pancake batter?

Isolate stubborn lumps with a strainer and beat these lumps vigorously with your whisk. While mixing, add a little milk. Look, your lumps are gone, all you have to do is cook the pancakes!

Why do lumps form?

Because if you add milk too soon to the flour, it won’t be able to incorporate well into the mixture, and that’s where the lumps form. … The key to a batter-free pancake batter is the incorporation of milk and flour.

What flour for sweet pancakes?

What flour for sweet pancakes?

Wheat flours are ideal for making sweet and tasty pancakes: especially T45 or T55 flours, the essential allies for light pancakes!

What is the difference between type 45 and 55 flours?

T55 flour: this weak flour is used when you want to promote the role of starch due to its moisturizing power. the dough is less elastic and has less risk of falling during baking. T45 flour: the action of gluten is favored by elastic or yeast-based doughs.

What is T55 flour?

Thus, a T45 or T55 flour is a very pure flour, which contains almost no wheat husk, and therefore little fiber, but a lot of carbohydrates. It is a very fine flour and therefore easy to work with.

What is Type 55 Flour?

Type 45: White pastry flour or « flower flour » intended for pastry. Type 55: Plain white flour intended for white breads, cake crusts and pizzas. Type 65: White flour for special breads and pizzas. Type 80: Bise or semi-complete flour for special breads.

Which flour for pancakes?

Wheat flour is generally used to make sweet pancakes and buckwheat flour to make savory pancakes.

How to properly turn pancakes?

How to properly turn pancakes?

How to flip pancakes: Once your batter is evenly distributed in the pan, let it cook for a while. Start by peeling the edges, then when you see that the pancake can peel completely, sauté it, sauté it sharply.

How do you know when to flip a crepe?

After a few seconds of baking, lightly baste the pan back and forth so the batter doesn’t stick. After 1 1/2 minutes, the first side of the pancake is cooked: it must be turned over.

Why let the dough rest in the refrigerator?

Healthy, resting for at least 2 hours in the refrigerator allows the dough to lose its elasticity and thus be worked and rolled more easily, and also prevents the dough from falling. To keep the dough moist and prevent it from drying out, before putting it in the fridge, it should be wrapped in plastic wrap.

How to rest the dough?

After rolling it into a ball, be sure to let the dough rest for at least 30 min-1h in the fridge – wrap it in plastic wrap. Remove the film, then spread it on the bottom of the dish, before putting it in the refrigerator for about fifteen minutes.

Why do we make pancakes on Candlemas?

Sun symbol. But why do we skip the pancakes that day? First explanation: Pope Gelasius I used to offer cereal pancakes to pilgrims arriving in Rome, a symbol of the sun for its round appearance and golden color.

Why parts for making pancakes?

The Candlemas Festival has its origins in Roman antiquity. At that time, it was believed that pancakes had to be sautéed for the harvest to be good and the family to prosper.

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Bonjour! Je m'appelle Valérie et je suis une cuisinière professionnelle passionnée par la création de plats délicieux et innovants. Avec 10 ans d'expérience en tant que cheffe cuisinière, je suis constamment à la recherche de nouvelles inspirations pour surprendre les papilles de mes clients. Bienvenue dans mon univers gastronomique!