How to Make Caramel Brioche

Comment  Préparer un brioché au caramel

La Maison d’Armorine is recognized as a pioneer of salted butter caramel in Brittany. Indeed, the Armorine house, since 1946, is a confectionery of great renown in Quiberon in Morbihan.

How to thicken a salted butter caramel?

Comment faire épaissir un caramel beurre salé ?

to thicken the liquid caramel 3 solutions: 1) Put less fresh cream than indicated in the recipe 2) Put the cream back on the heat and add the sugar 3) Add a sheet of gelatin.

How to harden a caramel that is too soft? To thicken the liquid caramel, return to the heat and gradually add the sugar, stirring well. Let cool and see if the caramel has the desired consistency, if not repeat until it is as desired.

How to catch a salted butter caramel? We often say throw it away, but no, I’ve always managed to catch it: just add a few drops of lemon juice and heat over medium heat, the sugar melts again then the caramel forms.

How to store overcooked caramel? The contents of the pan that you keep, be careful not to leave your caramel on the heat for too long, because overcooked it will be rather spicy. In case of overcooking, immerse your pan in a bowl filled with ice cubes and cold water (within the limit of the recovery!).

Video: How to Make Caramel Brioche

How to sterilize salted butter caramel?

Comment stériliser du caramel au beurre salé ?

Sterilize a toothpick and pour the salted butter caramel. To sterilize the jar, I put the glass in a container of very hot water for 30 seconds, then wipe it with a clean cloth. Let stand at room temperature.

Can salted butter freeze caramel? The caramel strengthens as it cools, but you can heat it in the microwave or on the stove to bring it back into the liquid. You can also freeze it in an airtight container for up to 3 months.

Why is my salted butter caramel bitter? As soon as your caramel is completely blond (it’s a bit blatant and it’s a matter of taste, it’s darker, it becomes more bitter when it’s too dark, that means it’s burnt and I advise you to start again because it’s hot Caramel it is; yes), and only if the caramel is completely blond can it be mixed…

How to sterilize salted butter caramel? To start, you need to properly sterilize your jar. Bring the water to a boil in a large saucepan or pot. Put your glass jars for 15 minutes. Take them out with pliers and let them dry, opening down, on a clean tea towel.

Why salted butter caramel?

Pourquoi caramel au beurre salé ?

In Brittany, butter is a widely used staple food, as the region produces a lot of milk. To better preserve the product, the Bretons, however, got into the habit of salting their lump of butter and therefore consuming butter: salted. It is therefore from Brittany that salted butter caramel comes to us.

How was caramel invented? The origin that seems the most credible is certainly that of the Arabs, who invented caramel around the year 1000 by perfecting the procedures for decanting sugar cane syrup.

Who invented salted butter caramel? It was in 1977, on the Quiberon peninsula, that salted butter caramel was born. The famous chocolatier from Quiberon, Monsieur Henri Le Roux, wanted to innovate in his confectionery. Henri Le Roux emphasizes Brittany and its salted butter, and creates his famous salted butter caramels!

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Bonjour! Je m'appelle Valérie et je suis une cuisinière professionnelle passionnée par la création de plats délicieux et innovants. Avec 10 ans d'expérience en tant que cheffe cuisinière, je suis constamment à la recherche de nouvelles inspirations pour surprendre les papilles de mes clients. Bienvenue dans mon univers gastronomique!