How to Make Cabbage Soup

Comment  Faire une soupe aux choux

Step 1: Using a large kitchen knife, cut off the bottom end of the cabbage. Then remove the first layer of outer leaves. Step 2: Using a sharp peeler or a small knife, pry out the “trunk” of the cabbage and remove it. If the sheets are dirty or damaged, remove them as well.

How to cut cabbage for soup?

How to cut cabbage for soup?
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Why blanch cabbage? To facilitate digestion… The sulfur components of cabbage as well as its indigestible sugars make digestion difficult. This is why it should not be eaten every day. For cabbage or cabbage, it is recommended to blanch the leaves in salted boiling water for 10 minutes.

How to cut cabbage?. Cut the cabbage in half vertically. Lay out each half and cut lengthwise to make wedges. Cut off the remaining core and the base of the large ribs by cutting the end of the quarter at an angle with a large knife.

How to eat cabbage?. Kale can be eaten raw; it is very popular in salads. However, many people prefer to cook it because it softens the leaves and relieves bitterness.

Remove and discard the first dark green leaves of the cabbage, which are too tough and stringy, then tear off the other leaves. Remove the white ribs with the knife. Arrange the leaves on top of each other, roll them up and thinly slice them using a slicing knife.

Does white cabbage make you lose weight? Cabbage is a healthy and diuretic food, so it is an excellent fat burner for those who are losing weight.

How to cut cabbage?

How to cut cabbage?
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How to freeze white cabbage?. To freeze cabbage, a few small steps are enough: – wash it then remove the leaves – cut it then cook it in boiling water for 5 minutes – let it cool – put it in bags or trays and put them in the freezer.

Where to cut leeks?. Start by cutting the root. Cut the top of the leek about 4 cm, which corresponds to the greenest and least tender part. Keep the white part of the leek. Then remove the first damaged leaves by pulling them from top to bottom.


  • Bok choy. Taste: The stems have a mild, sweet, refreshing flavor and crunchy texture, while the leaves are a bit less sweet. …
  • Cavolo Cavalier (cabbage) Type of leaf: smooth, thick and ribbed. …
  • Brussels sprouts. …
  • Cauliflower. …
  • Cabbage (cabbage) …
  • Cabbage pom pom. …
  • Kohlrabi (khorabi) …
  • Red cabbage.

To prepare your red cabbage, first remove the first leaves then cut the cabbage into 4 with a large knife. Remove the hard white core, then wash the pieces with clean water. Then cut into thin strips or use a grater.

How to cook cabbage to make it more digestible?. You can blanch the cabbage for a minute in boiling water before preparing it as a salad, so that it is more digestible. As it cooks, red cabbage turns blue. To keep its scarlet color, cook it with vinegar or sour fruit.

Remove the first leaves by hand starting from the base of the cabbage. The tighter they are, the fresher the cabbage. Cut the cabbage in half vertically. Lay out each half and cut lengthwise to make wedges.

What are the benefits of cabbage soup?

What are the benefits of cabbage soup?
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Weight loss: is it advisable to eat only soup in the evening? According to dietician and nutritionist Laura Tajan, eating only soup for dinner is a « bad idea ». Explain that each person should ingest a minimum number of calories per day to sustain the body.

Eat as many vegetables as you want, fresh, cooked, frozen or canned with soup. Do not eat white beans, corn, peas… In the evening you can eat a potato with a little butter. Do not eat fruit that day.

How to eat after the cabbage soup diet?. After such a diet, it is difficult not to gain weight. In the long term, it is recommended to include vegetable and lean protein soup the day after binge eating to put the body to rest.

How to lose weight with soup?. The soup diet involves eating soup every day, at every meal, for 7 days. Very few ingredients are allowed other than soup. Weight loss is promoted by high consumption of vegetables, water and low caloric intake.

Is it good to eat soup every day?

Is it good to eat soup every day?
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Relatively low in calories for a fairly large volume, the soup is not only satiating but also invigorating by providing a large amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber and thus contributes to a healthy and balanced diet.

Although it doesn’t really make us taller, the soup is believed to help with weight loss. But beware: sticking to vegetable soups in the morning, noon and evening can also have a negative effect on health, leading to nutritional deficiencies, loss of energy and…

What soup to eat when you are constipated?. Anti-constipation soups and broths Drink your soup hot or cold – just pair with fiber-rich vegetables like artichokes, cabbage, carrots, parsnips or potatoes. Start your meal with leek and zucchini soup or split pea soup, for example.

According to dietitian and nutritionist Laura Tajan, eating only soup for dinner is a « bad idea ». Explain that each person should ingest a minimum number of calories per day to sustain the body. « By only eating soup, you’re not getting enough calories.

Does broth make you lose weight? A fat-free broth is ideal for weight loss not only because it is low in calories but also because it provides the body with a large amount of fluids in a pleasant way and, if enriched with vegetables, dietary fiber .

Is it good to eat yogurt at night? & quot; If you are not very hungry in the evening, do not force yourself to eat, advises dietitian-nutritionist Raphaël Gruman. A yogurt with a bowl of soup can be enough, provided you have taken a balanced snack (a handful of almonds for example) around 4 p.m. & quot;

The soup diet favors (seasonal) vegetables that are good for the bloodline: diuretic leek, anti-water retention cabbage, fiber-rich asparagus, anti-cellulite tomato, celery rich in vitamins and minerals, pepper, fat-burning eggplant. . .

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