How to Make Applesauce

Comment  Faire une compote de pommes

I also make my own compotes. I cook in the microwave, pass through the blender and plumb jars of jam that I have scalded, let cool and put in the freezer. I do not add sugar and it holds very well.

How to thicken?

How to thicken?
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1. With cornstarch. To thicken a sauce that is too liquid with cornstarch (maizena), it’s simple: In a bowl, put 2 tablespoons of cornstarch, then pour a little cold water to dilute.

How to thicken a sauce without flour and cornstarch? Our tips for thickening a sauce: sprinkle with a grater. Again, we continue little by little, sprinkling our sauce with a small grater, continuing to cook until it thickens before possibly adding the grater.

How to thicken a ratatouille? Corn starch: dissolve approx. 10 ml (2 teaspoons) cornstarch in a small amount of cold liquid (water, broth, vegetable juice). Bring the pot to a boil and stir in the diluted cornstarch. Let simmer for 5 minutes.

How to thicken a sauce? It’s a bit the same principle as with cornstarch: Take a little sauce, pour it into a bowl and beat with an egg yolk. Return everything to the pot or pan and stir over low heat until thickened. This method is very effective, especially for thickening the sauce of a veal blanquette.

What is the best apple?

What is the best apple?
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The Delicious Red Its delicate sweet taste and firm flesh make it one of the best soft apples. It is also the apple richest in antioxidants. And even one of the most antioxidant-rich foods!

Which apple for health? Which apple for which use?

  • Gala: juicy and sweet, slightly acidic, crispy.
  • Granny Smith: the famous « green apple », very acid and juicy, very firm and crispy, not very fragrant.
  • Pink Lady: fragrant, crunchy and sweet.

What is the sweetest apple? According to these results, the golden apple is the least sweet, while Reinette is the sweetest and Fuji falls between the two.

How to store homemade compote?

How to store homemade compote?
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The compote will keep for two days to a week in the refrigerator provided it is in an airtight container.

How to freeze apple puree? Divide the baby compote into suitable size ice cube trays, place in the freezer overnight, and the next day form and put in freezer bags, which you close by removing the air and put back in the freezer.

How are compote jars sterilized? Cover and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for 10 to 15 minutes. Meanwhile, sterilize the jars by leaving them open in the large container, covered with boiling water for 10 minutes from boiling.

Why return glasses with compote? When the compote is ready, fill the jars, immediately close them tightly with the lid and turn them over so that the hot compote has finished sterilizing the back of it.

Why is a peach mealy?

Why is a peach mealy?
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– The hotter it is, the more a peach tree lacks roots and water, and the mealier the peaches are, this is typical of this species, especially in the south.

Why are my peaches falling? The self-fertile peach tree likes deep, well-drained soils. In heavy, wet soil, the roots suffocate and the fruits fall early.

When to harvest peaches for wine? When to harvest peaches for wine? The harvest extends from June to September depending on the variety.

How to make preserves with jars of jam?

How to make preserves with jars of jam?
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Start by filling your jam jars with water at room temperature. Store them in the bottom of a fireproof dish or large pot, with the lid screwed on. Cover with water so that the glasses are completely submerged. Bring to a boil.

Is it necessary to sterilize jam jars? It is not necessary to sterilize the jars of jam, it is the sugar which takes care of the conservation. Last but not least: put a nice label on your jar of jam, to remind you how it tastes when you open it in several months.

Which Jars Should You Can Can? Glass jars suitable for sterilization are used: either glass with glass lids with « clips » with rubber gasket (this is the most common model).

How is compote sterilized in jam jars? Here is the final solution: sterilize the compote. There are several methods, but the simplest is to boil water in airtight pots (like jam jars) before filling them with compote. Wait 25 minutes and you’re done!

Is the apple sweet?

The apple is a moderately energetic fruit. Its carbohydrates provide most of its calories. They also contribute to its sweet taste, as the sour touch is provided by the organic acids.

What are the sweetest apples? If you like very sweet fruits, choose Pink Lady, Gala or Golden Apples! If you want to make cakes, choose Reinette grise du Canada, Antarès or Jonagold instead!

What are the sweetest fruits? More or less cute Allround champion is the date. It does not burn calories, but all records. Dates contain 27 g of a mixture of fructose and glucose per per. 100g of fruit.

Are apples good for diabetes? The apple, in particular thanks to its richness in fiber and polyphenols, has beneficial effects not only on the prevention of this type of diabetes, but also on the glycemic balance in people with diabetes.

How to remove acidity in a dessert?

To reduce the acidity of the latter, instead of adding unhealthy sugar, add a sip or two of baking powder: when preparing your sauces, coulis or organic jams, as a light dusting on fruit or fruit juice organic sours (grapefruit, pineapple, rhubarb, etc.).

How to remove acidity from blackberries? Baking soda aids digestion and remains a powerful remedy for heartburn or acid reflux: it neutralizes hydrochloric acid by transforming it into sodium chloride. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder in 1/2 glass of water and swallow it.

How to remove the acidity from mirabelle plum flowers? Bicarbonate is a natural alkaline product. It thus naturally neutralizes the acidity of the fruits you use to make your jams. Your jam is thus much less acidic without having to add sugar. Note that this trick also works to reduce the acidity of fruit salads.

How to thicken a soup?

Another trick to thicken a soup: mix a tablespoon of potato starch and 10 cl of water, then pour everything into your soup and mix again.

How to put too much pepper in a soup? For example, if it is an overpriced soup, it may be advisable to add a few potatoes and continue cooking with it. They have the advantage of absorbing pepper. You can also sweeten your soup by adding sour cream, a few pieces of bread or even rice.

How to thicken asparagus soup? Dissolve the cornstarch in a little cold water then put in the saucepan. Mix and add the cream. Boil for a few minutes to thicken the soup a little and serve hot.

How to thicken soup with cornstarch? We’re going to have to thicken it all up. Mix a little cornstarch in a tablespoon of water, pour in the soup, bring to a boil and stir for 40 seconds. The soup will thicken.

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Bonjour! Je m'appelle Valérie et je suis une cuisinière professionnelle passionnée par la création de plats délicieux et innovants. Avec 10 ans d'expérience en tant que cheffe cuisinière, je suis constamment à la recherche de nouvelles inspirations pour surprendre les papilles de mes clients. Bienvenue dans mon univers gastronomique!