How to fry eggplant

Comment  Faire frire des aubergines

Before frying, bread the aubergines with the egg white, break an egg, separating the yolk from the white. Use the yolk for other preparations. Beat the egg white and brush the eggplant with it. This will allow the oil not to root in the eggplant slices.

How is the inside of an eggplant?

How is the inside of an eggplant?
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If you cut it into slices with a sharp knife to look inside, the inner pulp should be light in color and not contain too many seeds, but if it is rotten it will have a darker, harder and meatier pulp. . containing too many seeds, which may be brown in color.

Can you eat the inside of eggplants? Just wash it and remove the stem. Its peeling is not necessary. It can then be cut into slices or chunks, depending on the needs of the recipe.

Need to gut an eggplant? Wash the aubergines and remove the core. Depending on the use, peel them with a potato peeler, leaving a passage in two of the skin. Depending on the use, peel them with a potato peeler, leaving a passage in two of the skin.

Why drain eggplants?

Why drain eggplants?
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Eggplants were traditionally disgorged because they were very bitter. By removing the water from the vegetable, it now absorbs less oil during cooking.

Why Disgorge? A raw vegetable (cucumber, zucchini, eggplant) is drained by sprinkling it with salt to release some of the internal water. … The cells collapse when they lose their water and therefore absorb less fat when cooking. A good way to make healthier and less fatty recipes.

Why make coarse cucumber? Cucumber is naturally waterlogged. To make it more crispy, the traditional process consists in making it « take out »: making it restore the water by covering it largely with salt (which attracts the water). But its texture then becomes luscious, a bit like a watermelon.

Why drain tomatoes?

Why drain tomatoes?
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Why Drain Tomatoes? They do not release water during cooking, they are perfect for salads and tomato pies. In my pie shell, I sprinkle a little breadcrumbs to absorb the excess water from the tomatoes.

How to remove water from tomatoes? Open a vegetable with fine salt

  • Peel and/or carve a watery vegetable like cucumber or tomato.
  • Lightly salt the raw meat with fine salt. and put in a colander over a container.
  • Leave to rest between 10 and 30 minutes. …
  • Drain the ingredients well.

Why are my courgettes watery? If you have time, steam the vegetables the day before or a few hours before, then let them cool. Zucchini will release their water naturally. If you have less time, simply brown your courgettes in a little olive oil: the juice will evaporate on its own.

Why drain vegetables? To open a vegetable is to eliminate its vegetation water by sprinkling it with salt. This allows, for example, to suppress the bitterness of aubergines or cucumbers. … And then, from a nutritional point of view, the water that comes out of the plant brings with it water-soluble vitamins and minerals…

Does he have the eggplants degorged?

Does he have the eggplants degorged?
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To prevent eggplants from absorbing too much fat, drain them before cooking. To do this, cut them into cubes or slices, sprinkle them with coarse salt and let them stand for 30 minutes. Then rinse the aubergines and drain them with paper towel.

How to degenerate? Add a few ice cubes on top and refrigerate for an hour. Thus the pulp will firm up and restore its water. This preparation must be done before serving, otherwise the cucumber will continue to make water.

Why put coarse salt on eggplant? Salt: ideal for opening eggplants. To prevent eggplants from absorbing too much fat, deglaze them before cooking. To do this, cut them into cubes or slices, sprinkle them with coarse salt and let them stand for 30 minutes.

What is Degorger in the kitchen?

What is Degorger in the kitchen?
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a) Meat: Soak foods in cold water (running if possible) to eliminate the impurities they contain: fish bones, poultry bones, offal (sweet bread, brains, tongue).

Why aren’t my eggplants turning black?

Browning of Gallic tannins in the air Eggplant pulp darkens quickly when cut, so it is best to prepare it without delay. Like many other vegetables, eggplants should be seasoned with lemon juice to prevent the pulp from darkening when exposed to air.

When to stop eating an eggplant? Recognizing a rotten eggplant The color of the eggplant should be uniform and the skin should not show brown spots or wrinkles. Otherwise, if you observe a lot of irregularities, there is a good chance that your eggplant will start to rot.

Why do eggplants turn yellow? – If the leaves turn yellow, there are two reasons, either a lack of water or an excess of water. If the plants have had too much water, do not hesitate to mulch them underfoot, this will dry out the soil and protect your plants.

How do you know if the eggplants are cooked?

It will take 4-5 minutes at maximum power to cook it. All you have to do is scrape off the meat (as with eggplant caviar) or eat the meat directly off the skin.

Can you eat eggplant peel? â – º How to prepare it? “Most of the antioxidants are found in the eggplant skin,” explains the dietitian. It is therefore better not to peel it. Another tip: if you like them very tender and prefer them less bitter, it is better to choose them smaller.

Why aren’t my eggplants cooking? When roasting or frying, the normal mistake is not using enough oil and/or not cooking it enough. It really absorbs the oil, so if you’re shy, make it spongy and undercooked, or hard and burnt, sometimes both.

How to water zucchini plants?

Let the water warm up in the watering can before watering. Systematically watering at the base of the zucchini, wetting the leaves can eventually lead to the development of mildew. Prefer very generous and infrequent watering to very frequent watering in small quantities.

How do you know if you’re overwatering the zucchini? Signs of dehydration: Leaves lean towards the ground in the middle or at the end of the day. Watering frequency: abundant, to water the foliage, 2 or 3 times a week. Once less if you mulch. Water quality: not too cold.

Why do zucchini leaves turn yellow? Downy mildew is another common fungal disease in zucchini and cucurbits in general. This disease is manifested by yellow leaves on zucchini. … They form a mosaic of small spots, very specific to mildew on zucchini.

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Bonjour! Je m'appelle Valérie et je suis une cuisinière professionnelle passionnée par la création de plats délicieux et innovants. Avec 10 ans d'expérience en tant que cheffe cuisinière, je suis constamment à la recherche de nouvelles inspirations pour surprendre les papilles de mes clients. Bienvenue dans mon univers gastronomique!