How to cook plantains

Comment  Cuisiner des bananes plantain

After removing the ends, cut them in half before putting them in the pot of boiling water. Boil the bananas for 15-30 minutes until they acquire an intense yellow color and are very sweet.

How to fry plantain well?

How to fry plantain well?
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  • Peel a squash, grate it and slice it 1 cm diagonally.
  • In a large saucepan, pour 2 cm (1 inch) of vegetable oil. …
  • Fry until golden, then brown evenly again.

How to eat bananas? Bananas are never eaten raw, unlike yellow bananas. But, like him, you just have to peel it… boil it or fry it. You can also keep the skin to cook in the oven (like aubergines).

How do you know if the banana is ripe? Bananas should take 7-10 days to ripen. The warmer the environment, the faster they should ripen. They are ripe when they have black, wrinkled skin and are soft to the touch.

Is it dangerous to eat an overripe banana?

Is it dangerous to eat an overripe banana?
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The rate of assimilation of blood sugar will simply change. Thus, when it is too ripe, that is to say with brown spots, the sugar it contains will be absorbed more quickly by the body.

Why not eat bananas at night? Bananas provide energy and are one of the few fruits that require long digestion. It is therefore necessary to avoid eating bananas in the evening, otherwise you will feel some discomfort, such as bloating or gas.

What are the negative effects of bananas? Banana protein can cause oral allergy. This syndrome affects some people allergic to pollen. The allergic person has itchy and burning sensations in the mouth, lips and throat after eating or touching offensive foods.

When to stop eating bananas? Don’t eat bananas at night “If you eat pizza, avoid this fruit for dessert, as your overall calorie intake will be high. But if you eat in a balanced way, there is no reason to deprive yourself of it. that”, explains the professional.

How do bananas ripen?

How do bananas ripen?
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To ripen them, put them in a paper bag (but definitely not a plastic one!), and avoid the fridge. Bananas give off a gas called ethylene, which hastens the ripening of some fruits.

How to ripen bananas faster? Bananas that are too green are usually mushy and floury on the palate. To ripen them, put them in a paper bag (but definitely not a plastic one!), and avoid the fridge. Bananas give off a gas called ethylene, which hastens the ripening of some fruits.

How do fruits ripen? To make the process even faster, wrap ripening fruit with ripe apples in newspaper or in a tightly closed container. This will keep the ethylene concentrated around the fruit.

How to ripen sweet bananas? To speed up the ripening process, place the bananas in a paper bag and fold the top slightly. Add an already ripe apple or banana to the bag to increase the amount of ethylene gas flowing through the unripe fruit.

How to cut your bananas?

How to cut your bananas?
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A magic trick ? No, just a touch of the hand. As you can see in the video at the top of this article, just poke the banana (with the skin) lengthwise with a needle, which you will then use to cut the fruit inside, without touching the skin. .

How to store a cut banana? If you cut a banana into slices, either to put it in the fridge or to make a fruit salad, pour lemon juice, vinegar or pineapple juice over the banana to help it stay fresh longer . X Research source.

How to prevent bananas from turning black? Once peeled, bananas oxidize quickly in the open air. To prevent them from darkening, simply wrap them in aluminum foil and place them in the refrigerator.

How to cut bananas? Use a sharp knife to cut off the ends of the fruit. The banana peel has longitudinally raised stripes. Use the knife to score the skin along these ridges. Do not cut too deeply, as this will damage the banana.

How to cut plantain bananas?

How to cut plantain bananas?
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Place it on a cutting board. Use a sharp knife to cut off the ends of the fruit. The banana peel has longitudinally raised stripes. Use the knife to score the skin along these ridges.

How to cut the banana? Place the banana on the cutting board and cut off the ends with a sharp knife. Pierce the skin along the ridges. Use the knife to cut notches in the skin along the ridges. Don’t cut too deep, because you don’t have to cut the meat.

How to ripen plantain quickly?

Place the bananas or green bananas in a bag and add any ripe fruits you find and/or cut them up to promote ethylene production. Leave the bag in a warm room. Heat greatly accelerates the ripening of bananas.

How to ripen bananas quickly? The first way to ripen a banana is to place it with other fruit in a tightly sealed paper bag. The amount of ethylene will increase, which will lead to faster fruit ripening.

How do you know if the banana is ripe? Wait long enough. Bananas should take 7-10 days to ripen. The warmer the environment, the faster they should ripen. They are ripe when they have black, wrinkled skin and are soft to the touch.

How to choose the allocos?

Alloco only succeeds if it is soft, neither too dry nor too greasy. To achieve this result, you have to choose bananas at the right moment of maturity: very yellow, with brown spots.

How to choose the right bananas? When still green, bananas are too firm and indigestible. For immediate consumption, favor bananas with almost black skin, a sign that they are very ripe, sweeter and with supple flesh.

How to empty your stomach gas?

a curve of the bust: lying on your back, knees bent, feet on the ground and hands behind your head, lift your head and shoulders off the ground while exhaling and stretch your stomach (stick your back to the ground).

How to evacuate intestinal gas quickly? The gases are absorbed with charcoal or simethicone. Taken without food, its effect is usually rapid. Charcoal fixes gases and toxins. Against swelling, it is used at a dose of 500 mg to 1 g per dose.

How to empty the stomach of coal gas? activated charcoal that absorbs intestinal gas; digestive antispasmodic drugs, some of which are combined with a digestive dressing or charcoal to limit the production of gas that can cause pain.

How to empty the stomach of gas grandmother’s recipe? Aerophagia and bicarbonate of soda Put a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in a glass of water, drink the preparation obtained 15 minutes before a meal to avoid it or 15 minutes after a meal if you feel bloated.

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Bonjour! Je m'appelle Valérie et je suis une cuisinière professionnelle passionnée par la création de plats délicieux et innovants. Avec 10 ans d'expérience en tant que cheffe cuisinière, je suis constamment à la recherche de nouvelles inspirations pour surprendre les papilles de mes clients. Bienvenue dans mon univers gastronomique!