How to cook diced beef

Comment  Cuire du bœuf coupé en dés

Wash and cut the meat into medium-sized pieces (2 to 3 cm). Then put in a saucepan with 1/4 L of water and cook over medium heat for 40 minutes. Once all the water is gone and the meat starts to buzz, add 1/4 L of water a second time. And cook for another 40 minutes.

How to properly cook beef?

How to properly cook beef?
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The healthiest cooking is steaming and cooking en papillote. It is perfect for meats based on white meat (chicken, turkey, etc.) and there are several recipes based on red meat, including exotic dishes.

The doneness of the meat will depend on how long it stays in the oven (as well as how much your oven is). About 10 minutes for « rare », 15 minutes for « moderate » and 18 minutes or more for « done ». This time is very approximate, you can adjust it to your liking.

How to precook meat?

How to precook meat?
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Lamb loves olive oil. Pork can be cooked with lard. For beef, horse and veal, it is recommended to use a mixture of neutral oils, such as grapeseed, and butter. This mixture allows the butter to heat higher without burning.

Stage :

  • Season each side of the chop with salt and pepper.
  • Heat a little oil in a pan.
  • Grill the meat on each side: Rarely: 1 minute per side. Point: 2 minutes 30 per side. Bravo: 3 minutes on each side.

To cook beef bourguignon, cook it slowly over medium to low heat. This way the beef will cook deep into the meat and the meat will be as tender as you want it to be. The choice of your equipment is very important. Use a pressure cooker or a cast iron casserole, perfect for thorough cooking.

For cooked meats, add a little white vinegar (2 or 3 tablespoons depending on the quantity of meat) and continue cooking, the vinegar will soften the meat. Marinate your meat! it’s the only thing that will soften it, because even cooking for a few hours won’t change anything.

How to make beef bourguignon tender?

How to make beef bourguignon tender?
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Why is my beef bourguignon tough? When meat is too tough, the problem is usually that it cooks too quickly. Keep in mind that bourguignons must be simmered for a very long time on low heat: it often takes 3 hours to cook, although it depends on the recipe.

Because of this, the meat is tough at the bottom. During cooking, it will soften. †So never sauté your beef bourguignon, your stew, your stew, cook it for a long time and it’s tender (if it’s too strong, the meat loses its water and dries out) in a liquid (water, beer , wine, broth etc).

It is collagen that is responsible for the “toughness” of meat. … When making the stew, we use cheap cuts that contain more collagen. Because of this, the meat is tough at the bottom. During cooking, it will soften.

How to cook a thick piece of beef?

How to cook a thick piece of beef?
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Grilling: Quickly sear the meat over very high heat on the grill or in a lean pan. Grilling: roasting meat in the oven with little or no fat. Braise: brown the meat then cook, covered, with a little liquid.

Take the meat out of the refrigerator at least 1 hour in advance. Dry the strips with a cloth or paper towel, then season each side with salt and pepper. Pour 2 tablespoons of oil into an ovenproof pot or skillet over high heat, and when hot, add the meatloaf.

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Bonjour! Je m'appelle Valérie et je suis une cuisinière professionnelle passionnée par la création de plats délicieux et innovants. Avec 10 ans d'expérience en tant que cheffe cuisinière, je suis constamment à la recherche de nouvelles inspirations pour surprendre les papilles de mes clients. Bienvenue dans mon univers gastronomique!