How to Bake a Butternut Squash

Comment  Faire cuire une courge butternut au four

In a large pot or saucepan, bring a large volume of boiling water. Then dip the pieces of squash in boiling water and cook for 10 to 20 minutes, until the flesh of the butternut squash is tender. The tip of a knife should fit into it without resistance.

How to precook a butternut squash?

How to precook a butternut squash?
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In a large pot or saucepan, bring a large volume of boiling water. Then dip the pieces of squash in boiling water and cook for 10 to 20 minutes, until the flesh of the butternut squash is tender.

Cinnamon goes well with fall and winter vegetables and pumpkins in particular! Sprinkle your butternut cubes with a little cinnamon before cooking, add a pinch of cinnamon to pumpkin soup, pumpkin puree…

To peel your butternut squash more easily, you can use… your microwave! Indeed, by heating your pumpkin for 5 minutes at full power, the skin of the latter softens under the effect of the heat. Then, you just have to use a vegetable peeler to peel your butternut squash.

How to cook squash?

How to cook squash?
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Peel a squash, grate it and cut it in half. Swallow the seeds with a carving spoon and cut the meat into evenly sized cubes. Coat the pumpkin with olive oil and season with salt and pepper to taste. Bake and cook for 20-30 minutes, depending on the size and variety of the pumpkin.

How to cook squash and pumpkin?

  • In the pressure cooker. 10-15 mins, cut into slices.
  • In boiling water. 20 min salted and flavored with onion and bay leaf in a saucepan.
  • In the oven. 40 to 50 min in thin slices or cut into pieces.

Once peeled, split the rounded part to remove the seeds with a large spoon. Next, cut the meat into cubes and cook in steam, boiling salted water or in the oven with olive oil. You can also pull the meat into a casserole dish with a little broth.

Winter squash can be eaten raw (grated, in soup, smoothie, dip) or it can be steamed, baked, mashed, or mixed into soup. Winter pumpkin seeds are also edible and can be dehydrated or roasted.

What spice goes well with butternut?

What spice goes well with butternut?
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It can be compared to duck, but also to crispy bacon to replace croutons in certain soups. As for starches, potatoes, quinoa and sweet potatoes go very well with butternut squash, whether in gratins, soups or any other recipe.

Butternut squash is sown from February-March to April under cover and in buckets with transplanting after any risk of frost, or directly indoors from May. Butternut squash is particularly fond of heat and therefore needs a temperate climate to flourish.

When to choose butternut squash in your garden? Between September and November, generally around October before the frosts. One of the best ways to tell when to harvest your pumpkin is to watch the peduncle, which spins the cork when the fruit is ready.

Like pumpkin, butternut squash pairs beautifully with spices like cinnamon and cumin, along with sweet potatoes and chestnuts. Enough to make your fall and winter sweeter.

What association with zucchini? Good friends of Alliaceae zucchini: wild leeks, onions, onions, garlic, protect zucchini against fungal diseases. Fabaceae (legumes): peas and beans can be planted near the stalks of fertilizing zucchini thanks to the flammable nitrogen.

Who has the 4 spices? Cinnamon, clove, nutmeg and ginger: these are the usual ingredients for spices.

How to season pumpkin? Cinnamon goes well with fall and winter vegetables and pumpkins in particular! Sprinkle your butternut cubes with a little cinnamon before cooking, add a pinch of cinnamon to pumpkin soup, pumpkin puree…

These autumn vegetables go particularly well with spicy spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg… Add them rather at the start of cooking to give flavor to your vegetables.

Can the butternut skin be eaten?

Can the butternut skin be eaten?
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this is usually when you take on a nice shade of beige and his feet turn brown. The fruit begins to ripen in September, but the ideal is to pick your round nuts when the peduncle is very dry and the leaves are yellow.

Eat your squash with its skin on. The only squash his skin can eat is pumpkin.

Why not peel the pumpkin? The skin of the pumpkin, unlike many other pumpkins, is quite thin. So for soup or puree, as soon as it passes through the blender after cooking, there is no problem, the skin disappears in the blender. If you want to eat « pieces », remove the skin.

Using a peeler or a small knife, peel the pumpkin from its tough skin to reveal its tender side. Cut the squash in half again and use a spoon to remove the seeds from the round part.

It is often used in vegetarian cuisine and is easily eaten in puree or soup. But how to cook butternut squash to obtain a velvety texture and a beautiful cream? You can cook in the oven, in the steamer, in the pan, in boiling water or in the microwave.

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Bonjour! Je m'appelle Valérie et je suis une cuisinière professionnelle passionnée par la création de plats délicieux et innovants. Avec 10 ans d'expérience en tant que cheffe cuisinière, je suis constamment à la recherche de nouvelles inspirations pour surprendre les papilles de mes clients. Bienvenue dans mon univers gastronomique!