Easy spaghetti squash recipe

Recette courge spaghetti facile

The common pumpkin is pruned from an early age (this is called « pinching »). When it has 6 leaves, cut it immediately on the first 2 leaves. It will then branch out, sending out 2 more stems which will grow and begin to bear fruit.

How to ripen a spaghetti squash?

How to ripen a spaghetti squash?

First, harvest all the unripe green spaghetti squash and cut them off the vine (remember to leave a few inches of the vine). Rinse the pumpkin and pat it dry. Find a warm, sunny spot for the pumpkin to sit and ripen.

How to store spaghetti pumpkins? How to keep it? Spaghetti squash is a winter vegetable, harvested in September or October. It can be stored easily for several months, in a dry and ventilated place away from light.

How do you know if spaghetti squash is ripe? The best way to tell if your squash is ready to harvest, ripe, is when the stalk is about to pop out. Check this by slightly turning the fruit.

How to ripen a pumpkin? On the other hand, pumpkins that have not yet reached maturity must be kept warm, in a dry and temperate place, ideally between 15°c and 20°c, to continue to ripen slowly, a bit like we do with last season’s tomatoes. which are picked before picking the stems.

How to sterilize squash?

How to sterilize squash?

Put the marinated summer squash in jars. Sterilize your jars. Place them in an autoclave in which the water boils, placing them on the upper rack. Add water to the canner so that it protrudes 2.5 cm and boil your jars for 10 minutes.

Where to store squash?

How to store a pumpkin once started?

How to store a pumpkin once started?

Store it in an airtight container, but consume it within 3 days. Raw or cooked, your opened pumpkin can also be frozen to keep for much longer. We advise you to cut it into large cubes to store it more easily in the freezer, but this is only a trick.

How is a pumpkin stored? Cut the peduncle off, keeping it long enough to prevent rot from entering the fruit with this vector. They must be thoroughly cleaned before storage. Pumpkin storage should be stored in a ventilated, non-humid room, the temperature of which in winter is about 15 ° C.

How to store a pumpkin in the refrigerator? Store the different pieces with the shell in the refrigerator in a plastic bag. Cover the meat with cling film to prevent oxidation and colonization of bacteria in the refrigerator.

How to store a sliced ​​pumpkin? How to store a sliced ​​pumpkin?

  • Once your pumpkin is cut, wrap the slices in plastic wrap and place them in the refrigerator. …
  • Cut the pumpkin into sticks, blanch them for 1 minute in boiling water and place them in the freezer.
  • Last solution, keep the chopped pumpkin.

When to Harvest Butternut Zucchini?

When to Harvest Butternut Zucchini?

Between September and November, generally around October before the frosts. One of the best ways to tell when to harvest your pumpkin is to observe the peduncle, which turns corky when the fruit is ready.

How do you know when a pumpkin is ripe? Hit the pumpkin: if it makes a hollow sound, it is ripe and its taste will be optimal. You can also look at the stem: if it’s dry, that’s a good sign.

How to have a beautiful Butternut? Maintenance. Like most Pumpkins, Pumpkins are water-intensive: water very regularly, preferably in the morning (every day in hot, dry weather). Adding well-decomposed fertilizer in the spring (or from compost) is also necessary to obtain good fruit.

How do you know if spaghetti squash is still good?

How do you know if spaghetti squash is still good?

First, know that the spaghetti squash should be firm and intact, with no spots or cracks. If the fruit is too green, it is not picked when ripe. Prefer a pumpkin with a firm, non-hollow peduncle.

How to store squash in the freezer?

Ideally, cut or slice the pumpkin, then cook it to the brim before freezing it. It can also be frozen pureed. Storage: approx. 6 months.

How to freeze a beautiful pumpkin? You can place the pumpkin slices on a baking sheet, spacing them apart to let them harden before freezing them; once placed in the freezer bag, they will not stick together. Finally, you just have to put the minced pumpkin in the freezer at a temperature of -18°C to -30°C.

How to freeze pumpkin? Fresh pumpkin (cut) Cook before freezing. Wash the pumpkin, then cook it until tender. Remove the meat and mash it. Let it cool then freeze it in an airtight container or heavy duty freezer bag.

How to freeze zucchini spaghetti?

Store pumpkin spaghetti in the freezer. Put the pumpkin pasta in small freezer bags. Carefully remove them from the fabric and place them on a clean table. If they look dry enough, place them in various small freezer bags from X Research Source.

How to store half a spaghetti pumpkin? Spaghetti squash (like other winter squash) can be kept for a few months if you keep it in a cool (10°C) and dry place. Avoid stacking them on top of each other. You can injure them, and the rot from a damaged pumpkin will easily spread.

Can you freeze Pumpkin Spaghetti? Once cooked, the flesh of this original vegetable has the property of taking the form of spaghetti, hence its name. To store it optimally for a long time, it is best to freeze it in portions after cooking and/or baking.

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Bonjour! Je m'appelle Valérie et je suis une cuisinière professionnelle passionnée par la création de plats délicieux et innovants. Avec 10 ans d'expérience en tant que cheffe cuisinière, je suis constamment à la recherche de nouvelles inspirations pour surprendre les papilles de mes clients. Bienvenue dans mon univers gastronomique!