Easy salad recipe

Recette salade facile

Lettuce is the best spring salad. These include well-known names like Batavia, with more or less dominant foliage. To add early, select ‘Golden Spring’, ‘Reine de Mai’, ‘Golden Yellow Gotte’ or ‘Grenobloise Red’.

When to sow brown winter lettuce?

When to sow brown winter lettuce?

Planting: clean in the nursery from August to September then transplant when the plants have a few leaves, sunny exposure in fertile soil, humus and fresh bears 15 cm apart, in rows 25 cm apart. Harvest about 7 months after sowing.

When to plant a lettuce for the winter? Lettuce and escarole can be planted from September to November. Among the salads planted from late summer to mid-autumn, we can mention, among others, arugula, lamb’s lettuce, aquatic shrub (the latter can be planted all year round). Work by placing very light in a lightweight fence.

How to plant winter lettuce? Treat yourself to salads even in winter! Lettuce or escarole can be planted from September to November. Sowing is done very lightly in light hedges. I make a little fur in a lightly worked earth beforehand.

When to plant Appia lettuce? Plant lettuce from March to October.

How to pimp your salad?

How to pimp your salad?

10 tips for spicing up a salad

  • Change the beans. …
  • Dare the sweet and salty…
  • Add cheese. …
  • Mix raw and cooked. …
  • Wear your wardrobe. …
  • The abuse of fresh herbs. …
  • Bring a crunch. …
  • Make homemade croutons.

How to dress salads? Fruits and vegetables Vegetables such as green beans or butter are perfect to accompany your salad leaves. Also cut the tomatoes and the peppers into cubes. Cut radishes or pickles into slices. Brown slices of zucchini or diced squash in the pan.

What variety of lettuce to sow in summer?

What variety of lettuce to sow in summer?

Autumn or winter varieties can substitute for summer salads selected for mid-summer sowing such as lettuce, lamb’s lettuce, curved chicory, escarole, a mixture of mesclun more suitable for winter and winter frosts and wild arugula.

Which salad to add now? Spring lettuce: planting in February and March under shelter (tunnel or cold frame). Summer lettuce: sowing from the end of March to June in the ground. Winter lettuce: sowing in August-September (hope for protection). Romaine lettuce: sowing from March to June.

What variety of lettuce to plant in August?

What salad to eat in November?

What salad to eat in November?

Cheeses or sweets. Lamb’s lettuce, winter salad par excellence…

What salad to eat in September? From May to September: Batavia lettuce, romaine or oak leaf are the best known. Rich in fibre, vitamin C, minerals and trace elements, lettuce is also very low in calories. It is the ideal ingredient for a fresh salad or a sandwich.

What salad to eat in March? Turnips, radishes, artichokes and pomelos are back on our plates! To cook them, nothing better than a beautiful fresh and colorful salad and beautiful stuffed cabbage leaves!

What salad to add in November? Lettuce and escarole can be planted from September to November. Among the salads planted from late summer to mid-autumn, we can mention, among others, arugula, lamb’s lettuce, aquatic shrub (the latter can be planted all year round).

When to transplant salads with the 2020 moon?

When to transplant salads with the 2020 moon?

It is common to all that they are placed following the setting of the Moon, since they are placed in the rising Moon. In regions with a temperate climate, salads are planted in the spring, from the end of March to mid-June, then resume in the fall, when the coolness returns and until mid-September.

When to transplant lettuce to the Moon in 2021? How to garden well with the moon in December 2021: the calendar. We begin the month of December with a waning moon, it is the favorable period for: cutting, enrichment of the soil, thinning of seedlings, transplanting, planting, pruning, division.

When to transplant lettuce plants? Lettuce is transplanted when it has four or five leaves, about a month after planting.

Do raw vegetables make you fat?

Raw vegetables: when we consume these last raw materials, they must ferment to eliminate the fibers. And this produces gases that target the abdomen causing swelling. It should however be noted that raw vegetables do not make you fat and even have a place in the diet.

What makes it bigger for you? The main causes of the dietary imbalance that leads to obesity are: A diet that is too caloric (high caloric density): for example, excessive consumption of fats (oil, butter), sugary or alcoholic beverages.

Is it good to eat raw vegetables in the evening? They can be consumed at will, as they are good for health. Rich in fiber, vitamins and nutrients, they promote transit and help get rid of it. Low in calories, they will adapt perfectly to all your evening meals, accompanied by fish or white meat.

How to decorate a food dish?

How to decorate ordoeuvre? Add diced potatoes boiled in water, diced peeled tomatoes, thinly sliced ​​gherkins, small white onions (bells) in vinegar, minced parsley, lime/yellow zest. Add the mayonnaise and mix gently. Keep calm. Serve in a salad bowl.

How to make dots on a plate? For dessert, if the red fruit coulis goes well with your recipe, use it to make small dots, or a comma in the serving dish. All you need is a tablespoon or a teaspoon, depending on the desired effect, or a brush, or even a pipette.

What salad for the summer?

For a summer harvest, bet on varieties such as curved chicory ‘Grosse pommant Seul’, ‘Pavia’, ‘de Meaux’ which are resistant to heat and drought and bleach easily or ‘Elna’ can be added where their very full apple doesn’t have many ribs.

What salad to add for the summer? Batavia lettuces such as Canasta or Kamikaze are summer lettuces, which resist heat waves. Batavia is appreciated for its finesse but it can also be eaten cooked. Grosse Pommant Seul is a rusty, heat-resistant curried chicory that is perfect for summer.

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Bonjour! Je m'appelle Valérie et je suis une cuisinière professionnelle passionnée par la création de plats délicieux et innovants. Avec 10 ans d'expérience en tant que cheffe cuisinière, je suis constamment à la recherche de nouvelles inspirations pour surprendre les papilles de mes clients. Bienvenue dans mon univers gastronomique!