Easy lemon pie recipe

Recette tarte au citron facile

– Brush the cake crust with beaten egg white and bake for 5 minutes. The egg white boils and forms an impermeable layer on the dough. – Sprinkle the bottom of the pie with wheat semolina, cornmeal or even breadcrumbs, which absorb the excess liquid during cooking.

How to harden a crème brûlée?

How to harden a crème brûlée?

Does your crème brûlée still look too liquid when it comes out of the oven? It doesn’t matter, on the contrary. It will stop as it cools. Let your crème brûlée cool well (preferably overnight in the refrigerator) before sprinkling it with sugar.

How do you know that a crème brûlée is done? It’s ready when there is still a little tremor in the heart, when a sort of film has formed on it, which means that when you touch the cream with your finger, it doesn’t stop. Cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for at least 4 hours (it will stop again).

What sugar for crème brûlée? What sugar for my crème brûlée? A choice! White sugar (or red sugar) or brown sugar will give your dish a lighter color and a more pronounced flavor.

How to cool a pie?

How to cool a pie?

Note: if you want to enjoy your cake hot or cold a little later, don’t forget to let it cool on a rack – and not on a plate, to keep the dough crispy!

When do you bake a cake? Of course, you have to wait until they are well cooled. Also, if you’re using parchment paper, make sure the bottom of your cake is cooked.

How to cool a cake quickly? Cover the dish with cling film or aluminum foil and place it in a larger one, filled to the right height with cold water or ice cubes. A kind of bain-marie in cold water… Place the ice packs out of the freezer under the heating plate.

How to cool a quiche? Never let the quiche cool in its mold after baking. Remove immediately then place on a wire rack to cool.

How to make the edges of a pizza?

How to make the edges of a pizza?

Make a ball, flour it, scratch it and let it double in volume for 1h30 in a bowl, covered, lukewarm and away from drafts. Knead again for 1 minute, then roll out onto a 5 mm thick disk. Straighten the board with your thumbs to form a bulge.

How to puff a pizza? To make my pizza dough rise faster, I preheat my oven for 5 minutes during preparation and then turn it off. Once my pasta is ready, I put it in the oven. With heat, the dough will rise faster.

How to flip pizza dough? Press your fingers against the board and push one of your hands outward to gently stretch a small area of ​​the pizza. Turn the dough over and start again, going around the dough several times.

When and how to unmould a cake?

When and how to unmould a cake?

In summary: Baked bread must be smoked when it comes out of the oven, otherwise it will warp.

How to bake a cake without damaging it? To mold a cake without risk of damaging it, it is essential to coat the mold well before baking or opt for a silicone mold to prevent the bottom of the cake from sticking. Once cooked, place your still warm cake on the work surface.

How to mold a sticky cake? Toss the cake on a plate. Place a large plate over the cake. Stand firmly and turn the mold upside down. Gently wiggle the pan until the cake comes loose. Alternatively, you can invert the cake onto a cooling rack.

What is the difference between shortbread and shortcrust pastry?

What is the difference between shortbread and shortcrust pastry?

Explicit differences between these pastries: Shortcrust pastry consists of a single layer of smooth dough, and is generally used to make yellow fruit cakes and quiches. Shortbread is similar to shortcrust pastry, but crispier and sweeter, used for berry casseroles.

What is the lightest dough? – pizza dough: it’s just a loaf of bread (low in calories) with a drop of olive oil. These are the lightest pasta: 278 calories per 100 g.

What is the difference between puff pastry and puff pastry? Shortcrust pastry is made from a single layer of thick dough (a mixture of flour, butter, salt and water). It is generally used to make savory or sweet cakes and quiches. Puff pastry is more complicated to obtain. It consists of several superimposed sheets of dough.

What is the best dough for a cake? Pasticceria Frolla It is for these positive aspects that it was voted the favorite dough for savory tarts but also for yellow fruit tarts (mirabelle plums, peaches, etc.).

How to freeze lemon curd?

Here is its classic version: lemon curd. I love lemon and I never tire of making recipes with it. This curd is light (or almost!), tangy and delicious, I could eat it all the time.

Does lemon sugar freeze? Like all fruits, lemons have a long shelf life. … Finally, for those who want to extend their shelf life, you can also squeeze and freeze the lemon juice in ice cubes. Then, when the cubes are frozen, pop them into an airtight freezer bag in the freezer.

Can you freeze a lemon pie? And here is a wonderful homemade lemon cake! You know you can freeze it without any problem.

When to unmold a chocolate fondant?

When your dessert is cooked, there is only one step before tasting it. To easily melt your chocolate fondant, wait a few minutes, then invert the mold onto a platter or platter. Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or fresh fruit and voila!

How to unmold a hot or cold cake? For all cakes or pastries with a high flour content (at least 150g), unmold while hot, remove the paper and leave to cool on a wire rack to avoid condensation at the bottom of the cake.

When do you bake a cake? Take it out of the oven, let the cake cool before unmolding it (10 to 15 min is enough). This aspect is necessary because the chiller slightly reduces the volume of the cake, making it easier to unmold. With a silicone mold, there is no need to line it.

How to shape a chocolate coulant? When it comes out of the oven, pass a thin knife between the slider and the ramekin to loosen it from the edges. Finish by turning a plate over the ramekin, pressing everything down with a whisk. Light the plate and immediately serve your coulis while it is still hot.

How to freeze lemon pie?

If you want to freeze an entire cake, wrap it in several layers of plastic to protect it, then put it in a large freezer bag. 4 Label the freezer bag or container with the date and contents, then place the lime pie in the freezer.

How to freeze an already baked cake? Freeze uncovered cake until firm, then wrap in a double layer of plastic wrap followed by foil and return to freezer. For optimal freshness, freeze the cake for a maximum of 2 months.

What cake can you freeze? Most meals can be frozen, except meals with eggs and sour cream. Other recipes, including fruit, chocolate, apples, strawberries or rhubarb, hold up very well to freezing.

Can I make my own lemon cake the night before? Hello, You can very well do the day before, but forget the meringue with the proportions given in the recipe. Just do not add any more sugar and cook/dry for a long time in a low oven.

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Bonjour! Je m'appelle Valérie et je suis une cuisinière professionnelle passionnée par la création de plats délicieux et innovants. Avec 10 ans d'expérience en tant que cheffe cuisinière, je suis constamment à la recherche de nouvelles inspirations pour surprendre les papilles de mes clients. Bienvenue dans mon univers gastronomique!