Easy hummus recipe

Recette houmous facile

Hummus is high in calories! It has the same energy intake as a cheeseburger bought in a fast food restaurant: about 300 calories per 100 grams. Without a doubt, this dish made with chickpeas, sesame puree, olive oil, lemon juice and garlic will provide good fats, vegetable proteins and fibres.

When to eat hummus?

When to eat hummus?
image credit © turkeysforlife.com

If you want to eat hummus as an appetizer or snack, take the opportunity to dip in fresh vegetables instead of fries. You can also enjoy it as a garnish or as a substitute for mayonnaise. Thickens sauces, soups and pureed vegetables.

Is the hummus good? Hummus provides us with fiber that improves transit and nourishes our good intestinal bacteria. It is also a source of vitamins A, C and E, magnesium, potassium and iron. Good for weight, diabetes and cardiovascular health.

How is hummus eaten? Serve hummus with raw and grilled vegetables; Garnish with oil and sprinkle with mint and sesame seeds before serving.

How to substitute sesame seed?

How to substitute sesame seed?
image credit © i1.wp.com

You can replace the sesame seeds with cumin seeds, fennel seeds, pieces of candied tomatoes, lemon zest… depending on how you are going to cook it later!

What foods contain sesame seeds? What is the sesame in? Sesame is found in various oriental dishes, but also in oil or in various types of spicy mixtures, in particular in muffins, breads, crackers, puff pastry bites, as well as in certain cosmetic and medicinal products.

Where is sesame grown? Sesame is grown mainly in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate regions of Africa (Sudan) and Asia (India, Myanmar).

Where can I find sesame seeds in stores? You will find sesame seeds (and all other possible seeds) in all organic stores. Hi Licette, I can find some in the spices or produce section of my supermarket!

How to make hummus?

How to make hummus?
image credit © lifemadesweeter.com

Here’s how:

  • Mix roughly equal parts of dry waste (dead leaves, clumps of grass) and wet waste (kitchen waste: fruits and vegetables, coffee grounds, eggshells).
  • Pile the pile directly on the ground, in the shade.

How to replace tahini in hummus? But you can call it hummus without sesame cream! In this case, you can replace the tahini with peanut butter (or peanut butter for Canadians), or almond butter, or any other dried fruit ground and reduced to a spread.

How to store homemade hummus? They should be kept in jars or plastic boxes and the preparations should be covered with olive oil to prevent them from drying out or molding.

Is the hummus?

Is the hummus?
image credit © glowingblush.com

Who’s in the hummus? Hummus or hummus (or hummus), you know? It is this preparation based on chickpeas, sesame puree (tahini), olive oil, lemon, garlic and cumin. It is excellent for health. And also for the pleasure of taste!

Why tahini in hummus?

Why tahini in hummus?
image credit © quick-german-recipes.com

You will use tahini Tahin, tahini or tahini, this 100% sesame puree is essential for the success of the oriental spread. It adds flavor and sweetness to the recipe.

How to relax a hummus? Finally, a trick that works for me: when my hummus is a little thick, I add 1 to 2 tablespoons of water and mix everything. This is usually enough to loosen up the mashed chickpeas a bit.

How does tahini taste? Tahini is a real all-purpose ingredient, it adds a nutty aroma to your chocolate cake or even a creamy texture to a simple plain yogurt (because yes: we like it both sweet and salty).

Does humus make you fat?

In conclusion, eating hummus does not make you fat, if you eat it in reasonable quantities, as with everything. It is rather what serves as a filling like pita bread, which makes the whole thing too rich.

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Bonjour! Je m'appelle Valérie et je suis une cuisinière professionnelle passionnée par la création de plats délicieux et innovants. Avec 10 ans d'expérience en tant que cheffe cuisinière, je suis constamment à la recherche de nouvelles inspirations pour surprendre les papilles de mes clients. Bienvenue dans mon univers gastronomique!