Easy fennel recipe

Recette fenouil facile

Fennel is a plant native to the Mediterranean basin, appreciated since antiquity for its medicinal properties and its use as a spice. This is how it passed into the hands of the Chinese, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. … The part of the fennel that we eat is called the bulb.

What are the properties of fennel tea?

What are the properties of fennel tea?

Herbal tea with fennel seeds Fennel relieves gastric acidity, improves digestion in case of bloating, gas… Ideal for heartburn linked to digestion after an excessive meal. Put 1 g to 3 g of dried seeds in 150 ml of boiling water for 5 to 10 minutes.

What are the benefits of thyme infusion? With its antiviral, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, it is an ideal natural remedy to fight winter ailments and viruses: flu, colds, rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, etc. It helps in the treatment of diseases of the pulmonary sphere: emphysema, asthma, hay fever. , etc.

Does fennel keep you from falling asleep? Digestive, diuretic, drainage, anti-tension, transit disorders, colic, painful menstruation, promotes lactation, sleep, expectorant cough, gives good breath and is an ally for weight loss…

What are the benefits of fennel? Known for its carminative and antispasmodic properties, fennel limits the production of intestinal gas and is therefore very useful in the fight against bloating, bloating, colitis and stomach pain. Suitable for the youngest, it is offered as a treatment for infantile colic.

How do you know if fennel is still good?

How do you know if fennel is still good?

Find the right Reflex product, look at the leaves: very green plumage in good condition is a sign of freshness. The bulb should be swollen, very white, with no spots or scratches. Get close to your nose: if the leaves are fragrant in the market, the whole fennel will smell intensely in your kitchen.

How to store fennel leaves? Storing fennel leaves In the case of fennel leaves, the best option is to dry them. So you can put them in the microwave. Once the moisture has been removed, cut them to make herbs. If they keep easily in a jar, freeze the minced meat in an ice cube tray.

When to pick fennel? Fennel is harvested in winter from September, when the bulbs reach 8 to 10 cm. Harvesting will be done as needed.

How to store cut fennel?

How to store cut fennel?

For better conservation, it is recommended to cut the stems and leaves of fennel, then to cool it, well protected in a hermetically sealed container. After that, it will last for about a week, but it is better to consume it quickly, because its taste deteriorates very quickly.

How to store fennel in the refrigerator? How to store fennel? Store it for up to a week in a container in the refrigerator. If the smell is too strong, close it in an airtight container. Before any preparation, cut the stems and plumage, but do not throw them away.

How to sterilize fennel? How to do:

  • Cut the fennel using a mandolin into slices approx. 3mm thick. …
  • Pour the reserved bleach water, vinegar, sugar and salt into the sherpa, bring to a boil, stir until the sugar dissolves. Pour boiling water into the jar to the top, close immediately.

How do you know if the fennel is still good? Find the right Reflex product, look at the leaves: very green plumage in good condition is a sign of freshness. The bulb should be swollen, very white, with no spots or scratches.

How to remove the strings from fennel?

How to remove the strings from fennel?

Remove brownish or damaged parts with a peeler. Place the bulb on its base, then cut it in half. Cut each half in half to get four quarters. Cut off the solid part at the bottom of each wedge, then remove the core.

Is everything eaten in fennel? The part of the fennel we eat is called the bulb. However, it is by no means an underground organ of the plant, but, in fact, a fleshy base of leaves, nested one inside the other.

What spice with fennel? Food and wine pairing: Fennel seeds blend harmoniously with anise, fenugreek, watercress, garlic, cumin, lavender, nutmeg, oregano, rosemary, parsley, sage and thyme.

How to cut fennel for couscous?

How to cut fennel for couscous?

Cut the fennel into pieces. Cut the bulb. Grasp the fennel bulb with your non-dominant hand, then cut it lengthwise into 2 parts without hesitation, holding the kitchen knife with the other hand. Always use a sharp knife, because a dull kitchen knife is dangerous.

What part of the fennel is eaten? The part of the fennel we eat is called the bulb. It is by no means an underground organ of the plant, but a fleshy base of leaves. It is covered with green stems that bear feathers with bluish tints, from which comes the scent of anise.

When to cut fennel leaves?

Fennel onion cannot be cut. As the plants grow, dig the fennel well to prevent weed invasion.

How to grease fennel? Fennel grows well in full sun or not too much shade and should be watered regularly to keep the soil moist. However, do not water it too much so as not to seize the roots. You don’t have to fertilize the soil during the growing season.

Can you eat fennel leaves? Can we eat leaves (feathers)? Fennel feathers should be green, firm and fresh. If it has been introduced, do not take it. Plums can be eaten raw or cooked, especially as a garnish or to flavor a soup.

What are the benefits of fennel?

Fennel is recognized as an ally in the treatment of indigestion and inflammation of the respiratory tract. It is traditionally attributed a role in the treatment of bloating, menstrual cramps or stimulation of lactation.

What are the side effects of fennel? Harmful effects of fennel are rare, but there may be allergic, skin or respiratory reactions. Fennel essential oil can also be mildly irritating. If large doses are taken, convulsions, tremors or hallucinations may occur.

Does fennel make you lose weight? Slimming vegetable par excellence with 20 kcal/100 g, fennel is a vegetable that facilitates intestinal transit thanks to the fibers it contains, with a strong diuretic power that helps fight against bloating.

How to lose weight with fennel?

Since fennel as a vegetable is not a diuretic in principle, you can supplement your diet with a decoction that will allow you to get rid of excess fluid. To do this, soak 25 g of roots in a liter of water and cook for 5 minutes, then leave for 10 minutes.

Is fennel good for the intestines? “Fennel contains fiber which contributes to the proper functioning of the intestines,” she adds. But it also contains anethole, an essential oil with digestive properties. « It stimulates digestion, which prevents weight gain after meals and prevents flatulence. »

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Bonjour! Je m'appelle Valérie et je suis une cuisinière professionnelle passionnée par la création de plats délicieux et innovants. Avec 10 ans d'expérience en tant que cheffe cuisinière, je suis constamment à la recherche de nouvelles inspirations pour surprendre les papilles de mes clients. Bienvenue dans mon univers gastronomique!