Easy chicken aiguillette recipe

Recette aiguillette de poulet facile

Aiguillette: thin slice cut lengthwise from the tenderloin. Escalope: piece of fillet without skin. Filet mignon: tenderloin located along the thorax. Upper: leather mesh wing 1st sleeve.

How to cook duck aiguillettes in a pan?

Comment faire cuire des aiguillettes de canard à la poêle ?

In the caserole

  • Season the aiguillette with salt and a pepper mill.
  • Fry the aiguillette over high heat for 2 minutes, adding a pinch of butter or a spoonful of oil.
  • It’s ready, you can enjoy!

How to remove the aiguillette nerve? Place the aiguillette on your work surface or on the visible side of the paperweight. The nerve is the part that runs along the entire aiguillette. With the tip of the knife, go under the nerve, lift it and follow it to the end. You should normally remove it without undue problem.

How to cut a duck breast in aiguillette? Take a cutting board, a fairly thin knife and strips of duck. Place the first aiguillette with the nerves visible on the table, then use a knife blade to select the beginning of the nerve and cut all the meat to remove it.

How to reheat a duck aiguillette? Place the tops on a plate and cover with foil. Heat a frying pan with the cooking juices from the aiguillette. Deglaze with water, reduce and foam the butter. Return the aiguillette to the sauce and reheat quickly.

How to make the chicken tender?

Comment faire pour que le poulet soit tendre ?

And your children often complain that the meat is too tough and too dry. Here’s a trick to help keep the chicken tender: place two large slices of lemon in the chicken. Sprinkle with lemon juice to brown the chicken to your liking!

How to make sure the chicken is not dry? Before putting in the oven, you can put 1 or 2 small Swiss tablespoons of olive oil mixed in the belly. You can add salt, pepper and herbs like thyme. You can replace the small Swiss with a sliced ​​apple (Canadian type).

How to keep chicken moist while cooking? To make the chicken juicy, bet on olive oil. All you need to do is brush your chicken with a brush soaked in olive oil. While cooking, regularly check your chicken to prevent it from drying out and lubricate it regularly with oil.

How to make chicken more tender? Before putting the meat in the oven, dip your hands in olive oil and massage the poultry with your fingers. This makes your meat particularly tender. After cooking, it is much more tender and tastier.

How to cut chicken strips?

Comment couper des aiguillettes de poulet ?

Separate the wings from the breast and cut them off at the joint, leaving as much meat as possible in the chicken. Then slide the blade of the knife between the chicken breasts and the carcass and separate them. To prevent the chicken from slipping while cutting, hold it with a fork.

How to make ground chicken? Hold the chicken in place with your non-dominant hand and chop it with the other hand. When making incisions, touch the plate lightly with scissors so you can cut straight. Depending on the size of the breast, it may be necessary to make several incisions in each slice.

How to cut chicken cutlets? Place your hand on a piece of meat with a sharp knife. Cut small chops of 40-45 g with the knife at hand. You can make saltimboccas from these small chops. Store them in the fridge with cling film.

Video: Easy chicken aiguillette recipe


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Bonjour! Je m'appelle Valérie et je suis une cuisinière professionnelle passionnée par la création de plats délicieux et innovants. Avec 10 ans d'expérience en tant que cheffe cuisinière, je suis constamment à la recherche de nouvelles inspirations pour surprendre les papilles de mes clients. Bienvenue dans mon univers gastronomique!