3 Practical tips to make slime recipe easy and fast

3 Conseils pratiques pour faire du slime recette facile et rapide

Video: 3 Practical tips for making slime recipe easy and fast


In a bowl, mix: Dishwashing liquid: choose the smell and color carefully! About twice as much corn starch as Maïzena: you have to measure out to make sure that the slime is not too liquid. Knead well so that everything holds together, and voila, your slime is ready!

How to make slime with UHU glue and water?

Comment faire du slime avec de la colle UHU et de l'eau ?


  • 1 x UHU glue pen.
  • Food coloring.
  • phosphorus powder*
  • 5 tablespoons of liquid contact lens solution.
  • 0.5 teaspoons. baking soda. * Based on strontium aluminate.

How to make slime with only 2 ingredients?

Comment faire du slime avec seulement 2 ingrédients ?

How to make slime with almost nothing? How to make my own slime, I use 4 drops blue liquid food coloring and 2 drops yellow. Pour water into the cornstarch, mix well with your fingers, until smooth. And you are ready!

How to make slime with glue without shaving foam?

Comment faire du slime avec de la colle sans mousse à raser ?

In a container pour 20 cl of transparent or white glue according to the desired finish and 10 cl of water, mix with a spoon or fork. Add glitter gel or water-based paint or a few drops of food coloring to color the glue and mix again.

How to slim down with shaving foam? Pour the shower gel into a bowl, add the shaving foam and mix until you get a liquid paste. Put the salt and return the preparation well, it will thicken. Once the salt is well mixed, place your slime in the freezer for about fifteen minutes.

How to make slime without glue with shaving foam? Preparation: Put the shower gel in a bowl. Add 25 cl of shaving foam to the preparation. Mix everything until you get a smooth and consistent paste. Add the salt and stir again.

How to make a slime the ingredients?

Comment faire un slime les ingrédients ?

Ingredients: 110 ml of water, 100 g of corn starch (corn flour type), a few drops of food coloring and/or flakes (optional). If you want to add colored slime, add a few drops of coloring to the water (you can also add glitter for more fun).

How to make homemade slime without glue or borax?

To make slime without using glue or borax, mix equal parts shower gel and cornstarch in a bowl. If the slime is too thick, add water to thin it. You can also make slime by mixing equal parts shaving foam with 3-in-1 shower gel with a pinch of salt.

How to make slime without glue, borax or shaving foam? Simply fill a glass with cornmeal and pour it into a bowl or salad bowl. Then fill half a glass with water, add a few drops of dip, mix and pour the colored water with the corn flour. Mix gently (should resist when stirring), ready.

How is slime made?

Slime originated in the United States. …Slime can be made from the following ingredients: glue, food coloring for color, cornstarch, borax powder, lye, or shaving foam depending on the recipe.

Why is slime dangerous? In addition to boric acid, which was cited as the basic ingredient of this material, liquid paper glue is also mentioned, releasing highly allergenic substances through the skin. The material also contains many solvents which can cause respiratory tract irritation.

What is the composition of slime? The basic DIY slime recipe contains three ingredients: liquid glue (usually in cans, Cleopatra or Elmer brand), water and borax. This disturbingly vaguely named ingredient is actually a very classic pharmaceutical compound that can be purchased freely.

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Bonjour! Je m'appelle Valérie et je suis une cuisinière professionnelle passionnée par la création de plats délicieux et innovants. Avec 10 ans d'expérience en tant que cheffe cuisinière, je suis constamment à la recherche de nouvelles inspirations pour surprendre les papilles de mes clients. Bienvenue dans mon univers gastronomique!